TTCL Gains 6% after Acquiring a THB1,600 Million Construction Project from PTTEP

TTCL gained 6% at the opening bell on Thursday after it was awarded a new construction project in Thailand from PTTEP.

At 11.40 hrs. local time in Thailand, the share price of TTCL Public Company Limited (SET: TTCL) rose THB0.80/share or 3.77% to THB4.96/share, with a trading value of THB97 million.

TTCL announced on Thursday that it has received a letter of intent from PTTEP SP Limited for the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) of the Sinphuhorm Central Booster Compressor and its Facilities in Khon Kaen, Thailand, valued at approximately THB1,600 million. The duration of the project is approximately 29 months.