Market Roundup 18 October 2023

Thailand’s SET Index closed at 1,437.85 points, increased 4.45 points or 0.31% with a trading value of 52.8 billion baht. The analyst stated that the Thai stock markets showed slight movement in the same direction as the regional and European markets. Investors were focusing on the conflict in the Middle East as tension escalated, while also waiting for the 3Q23 earnings season as well as the Fed’s chair statement tomorrow.


China President Xi Jinping announced during the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), known as One Belt One Road, summit that China would inject another $100 billion as loan for countries in the BRI project via, China Development Bank and Export-Import Bank ($47.9 billion each) plus the Silk Road Fund ($10.93 billion).


The United Kingdom’s Consumer Price Index in September rose 6.7% YoY, ahead of 6.6% expected by economists while maintaining the same level as the figure in August. On a monthly basis, headline inflation rose by 0.5%, which was in line with expectations.

Meanwhile, core inflation, which excludes volatile food, energy, alcohol and tobacco prices, rose 6.1% from the same period of last year, slightly above expectations for a 6.0% increase, but down from 6.2% in the previous month.

The UK saw a drop in food and non-alcoholic beverages prices on a monthly basis for the first time in two years. This was the largest contribution to a downward price, but rising fuel prices also contributed to an upward rate as well.