Plan B Posted Fiscal Year 2021 Earnings of THB 64 Million, a decease of 54.3% YoY

Plan B Media Pcl. (SET: PLANB) has announced its 2021 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;

Yearly 2021 2020
Net Profit (Loss)
Thousand Baht



Earning Per Share THB



% Change -54.3


PLANB’s consolidated net profit attributable to the Company’s equity holders for FY2021 stood at THB 64 million, decreasing THB 7 6 million or around 54.3% compared to FY2020 .

The decrease was mainly due to the lower gross profit margin from the extended COIVD-19 pandemic and the recognition of the minimum guarantee that the Company had to pay MACO in 2Q 2021 and 3Q 2021 with a total value of THB 88 million approximately, together with higher financial cost from TFRS16 impacts.

Nonetheless, the Company had a total of THB 1,986 million in cash at the end of 2021 and remains focused on improving cash flow growth continually and efficiently.

Operating revenue for FY2021 of THB 4,443 million, representing an increase of THB 719 million or 19.3% compared to FY2020 thanks mainly to the revenue growth from static media and retail media from department stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, especially from the media expansion in 7-Eleven stores as well as sports marketing business that experienced significant growth at a rate of 70.9% from revenue recognition of marketing rights management from the Olympic Games of THB 500 million, realized in 2021.

.Moreover, the football business recovered as tournaments were allowed again in 4Q 2021, and the extra revenue of around THB 140 million from rights management of the Football Association of Thailand was recognized in 3Q 2021. These factors contributed to the significant expansion in revenue from the engagement marketing business in 2021. Note that the utilization rate for FY2021 stood at 43.1%, close to 43.5% for FY2020. The total media capacity in FY2021 was THB7,486 million, increasing from THB 6,627 million in FY2020.