JKN’s Debenture Holders Approve to Extend Maturity Date for Higher Interest Rates

The debenture shareholders on September 27, 2023, approved a resolution for JKN Global Group Public Company Limited (SET: JKN) to extend the maturity date of JKN239A Debentures to February 23, 2024.

JKN will make partial repayment of the principal amount of JKN239A Debentures plus interest amount (at a higher rates, which will be proposed at the meeting) in the amount of THB 19.5 million on December 15, 2023 while the balance of unpaid principal being amounted to THB 432.45 million will be paid by the company on the extended maturity date of JKN239A Debentures on February 23, 2024.

Debenture holders also approved the resolution to increase the interest rate of JKN239A Debentures from 6.60 percent per annum to 7.00 percent per annum.

More importantly, debenture holders approved the waivers for the event of default and exercising of rights to call for immediate debt repayment according to the relevant debentures (call default) under the Terms of Rights in respect of the default of repayment of principal and interest amount on the maturity date of September 1, 2023.

As for the other six series of debentures, JKN will convene the debenture holders’ meeting on October 12, 2023 and fix the date to close the debentures holders registry book to determine a list of debenture holders with the right to attend the meeting on September 28, 2023.